
Pinpoint blue false cypress
Pinpoint blue false cypress

There are too many plants to name in this area but a few others are peonies, evening primrose (yellow one in bloom), stella d’oro lilies.

pinpoint blue false cypress


If you’re interested in scheduling an in-person or virtual consultation, click this link which will bring you to scheduling options, as well as how to show your support for this free content, download pruning guides or order a shirt or sweatshirt.🌺 I try to respond to as many questions as I can but can’t get to them all so feel free to help each other out if you have information to share. I’m in zone 6 in the Boston area but almost all of the principles I talk about are applicable to any garden. Planting too close to the house can be problematic: obstruction of windows or doors, damage to foundations, the side of the house, or gutters, and preventing easy access to meters or other things. Pinpoint Blue& Gold false cypress naturally grows as a narrow column, so it takes up little space in the landscape. Planting shrubs too close together is often a waste of money because people often don’t need as many as they think. When you plant things small, things can look empty and that’s where adding perennials in between them can be a really good idea.

pinpoint blue false cypress

I want to try to help people avoid having to do this though, especially when they are planted too close to the house, walkways, driveways, etc. Shrubs and small trees are harder to move, though it is possible and I have certainly done it.

pinpoint blue false cypress

When I talk about not planting things too close I am referring to shrubs and small trees-not perennials (the type of plants that come back each year, as opposed to annuals, which you generally have to plant annually.) Perennials are fairly easy to move and I am constantly rearranging them in my garden. I get the occasional question about why my gardens look so full when I advise people not to plant things too close together so I thought I would try to make this a little more clear.

Pinpoint blue false cypress